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2018, May: It’s Mother’s Day, but who am I?

My husband recently got a new hobby. It takes him away from the house for a few hours one weekend morning almost every week. It's making him very happy and doesn't seem to cost too much, so I should be thrilled, but it's pissing me off. Why? I'm not entirely sure. It could be because it means after an exhausting week of working and dealing with the kids every morning and evening, I'm left alone with them for a few hours when I could really use some back-up. Maybe it's because I don't feel like I get to have a hobby of my own right now. Or it's because I'm so, so, tired and would like to take an undisturbed nap. Or have a lie-in. Or just sit in peace and quiet for 20 minutes.

Everything I do revolves around the kids: their interests, needs, attention spans, and schedules. I don't really mind this, I even enjoy it most of the time. I'm stuck in this weird place where I'm sad that I don't really have any friends to hang out with, but if given the choice - I'd choose to go home and hang out with my family over any kind of social event with other women/mums. And none of this is my husband's fault - I know that he would support me going out to do something on my own. But that's not what I want. So why am I pissed off? I think it's because this lack of desire to do anything for myself demonstrates that I have given over my identity to that of simply "mum." I have a job that I love, but I leave it in a heartbeat if a kid needs me for something (usually another trip to the doctor). I have Mondays off and sometimes I take the kids to daycare to have some time to myself, but as soon as I am alone I very quickly run out of things to do that aren't housework. Who am I? What do I like to do? I have no idea any more. I don't know how to fill my time if my kids aren't in it. I've lost myself. I think I would be able to accept this if my husband didn't present a daily reminder that he is still very much himself. With hobbies and friends and alone time. Which I know I could have but I don't want but I'm annoyed that I don't have. So I'm confused and irrationally irritated. Welcome to Motherhood.

Happy Mother's Day!


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